StoryConnect exposes and alleviates "The Connection Problem" that is both deep and wide.
We don't reduce society's greatest issues or heal our deepest sufferings because of a lack of resources. There are more than enough resources. It's not a resource problem.
It's a Connection Problem.
Hurting People Hurt People.
Unhealthy Systems Pollutes the Water.
Society Suffers.​​
Healing People Heal People.
Healthy Systems Clean the Water.
Society Flourishes.
Day-by-day we get better at "The Connection Craft" and help others do the same.
As we do, resources flow to solve problems and the world finds its healing.
By catalyzing, strengthening, and interconnecting Networks, both regionally and nationally, layers of transformation integrate - souls, systems, and society.​ ​​​
Networks help good things Win.
And when Good Wins, You Win, I Win, They Win, We All Win.
Stories are in the making. Team is in development. Networks are starting and growing. Skills are sharpening. People are flourishing (healing and growing). Chains are breaking. Clients are being served. Partners are growing in width and depth.
The Connection Craft Framework is being refined.
The Book is being written. Interviews are in the queue. ​
Let's Connect. Let's Do This.

The Story
You were born looking for someone looking for you. That continues to this day.
We live in the Greatest Love Story in the midst of the Fiercest War. Over our lifespan we've collected and embodied corrosive lies and liberating truths. The lies you believe hurt you and hurt others. The truths you believe free you and heal others.
Here's a truth. You are Fully Seen and Fully Loved.​
When we co-create habitats that reinforce this, souls heal and thrive. Love. Peace.
In habitats that reinforce the opposite, unseen and unloved, souls whither and contort. War. Pain.
The Story of Life Frees Us. You are Loved, BeLoved, and Loveable. You are Needed.
We help co-create habitats that help souls heal so that our liberation liberates others. It's not easy. We've heard it said from generals that "infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars". For the Greatest Love Story to win, our logistics, strategy, tactics, and execution have to increase in excellence. But all at the speed of trust.
For Freedom.
For Love.

Logo Explanation
Your dot is your life right now and the culmination of your story. Size represents stages of development, maturity, levels of freedom, capacity to love, etc. Colors represent however you define it. We seek to understand, accept and grow our dot until we have nothing to hide, prove, or fear.
Lines are connections between dots, from -10 to 10. Lines are ever-changing relationships, from momentary to life-long. Dot composition has everything to do with the connections and lines that effect it.
A dot, a story, a human being's life, heals over time through changing the nature and number of lines to certain dots.
If a dot receives a thick line of Love from another, their dot grows and is able to give more Love to others. Healing people heal people.
If a dot is traumatized by the jagged painful line of another, a dot gets smaller, and reacts with jagged lines of fighting, flighting or freezing to others. Hurting people hurt people.
From above, look down at your relationships. See the social fabric and how it's changed over time.

The Connection Craft: Deep and Wide
In The Secret Language of Trees we learn how trees are able to communicate with each other through a vast root system.​​
Trees survive, heal, grow, thrive and flourish in deep connection with each other. If trees get disconnected from the deep and wide root system, they die.
Similarly, we must be connected, both deep and wide.​​​​

​​The Connection Craft is a connection-based framework, or toolbox, in which we best connect with ourselves and others to heal, grow, thrive, and flourish. The Craft is a combination of art, science, technology and practice.
The Goal is to Steward the Connection Craft to Help Others Flourish in Being Healthy (Deep) & Win (Wide), Together.
So, Paul, then what do you actually do everyday and where is this going?​
I'm glad you asked.
Every week, I complete a series of integrated tasks to catalyze and strengthen regional and national networks that transform souls in being healthy and winning towards their societal goals.
With leaders, my looks something like this: Conversations (8/week), Voice Messages (30/week), Emails (40/week), Introductions (15/week).
With groups and gatherings, organizations or networks, my week looks something like: In-Person Meeting (2/week), Virtual Meeting (4/week), Email (6/week), and Voice Messages (2/week)
The results and success vary by person, network, and initiative.
If you want to go deeper, you can review "Connection Craft" and "What do I Do" documents.​
Soon, I hope to boost stories into orbit so to help the stories of momentum both go deeper and wider.
This framework is in early stage formulation as the practice is being refined and the book is being written.
The working title of the book is "We Have a Connection Problem: Transforming Souls, Systems, and Society through the Connection Craft".
Partner with Us to Decrease Disconnection and Accelerate Connection that Transforms.​​​​​​​​​
My Story
I'm in the middle of writing my story and I encourage you to write yours.
I once heard someone say, "we all got one good book in us." Yes, absolutely you do. You are an intricate and complex-being. Your dot has grown, shrunk, and changed composition trillions of time. You are a Story of stories.
The thickest lines, from -10 to +10, have changed the composition of your dot. Each line is a story. Know it.
As I write my story, I encourage you to write yours. What I want for myself and for you is a dot that is large, healthy, and luminous freely giving and receiving Love in all your settings and relationships.
That's where all of this is going. Let's Journey Together.