What Connections Do You Need?
"You Don't Wake Up One Day Being Someone
You Have Not Been Becoming" - dmb
1. Disconnect from present distractions and unhealth.
2. Connect to your past to identify the wounds, heal, and get free.
3. Explore who you want to become through the different dimensions of life.

"The greatest present you can give someone is your presence." What prevents you from being present is your work. First, we have to identify the unhealthy attachments and distractions, disconnect for a couple moments, and make space for what is good, true, and beautiful to emerge. Join the Tech Wise Tribe.
Your maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors come from somewhere. You have pain pulling the strings on your present. You, your relationships, and all dimensions of your life suffer. Healing is freedom. It's deep hard work. It's worth it. It's the only way.

Wherever you live, work, worship, play, and for whom your heart breaks - who do you want to become? What wants to be unleashed? Let's connect to your people and chart your story. Breathe-by-breathe, you will Win at Home First and Everywhere Else.
What are you looking for?
Do you have an ache, haunting, yearning, longing, or fear looming?
Do you have trauma to deal with? Or a dream to realize?
It takes courage to assess reality and make changes. In which dimensions of your life do you want to take one small step?
No matter what that change is there are connections out there to find and access. They come in the form of conversations, communities, content, courses, coaching, and counseling.
Look through everything we provide for free to try and find what you need. If you want to get some individual attention, see our below opportunity to get you connected to the right paths.

We Are Your Guide.
Your short-term guide to long-term transformation.
I have a Connection Problem. You have a Connection Problem. We All Do.
There are many resources out there to connect you to.
If you are looking for 1:1 individual sessions, I offer sessions for a suggested donation (tax-deductible) of $110/hour.
Our 3 sessions guide you through:
1) light profile-building, exploring your past, present, and future.
2) I speed up your transformational journey by providing orientation, awareness, and connections you can access in a variety of dimensions in your life.
3) We have a final session about your next step decisions and follow-up connections I provide, whether that's referrals, introductions, etc.
We can schedule more sessions if needed. We then schedule a closing session 6-8 months later.
Click here or the link below to fill out a form prior to a 15-minute consult.