The most effective way to influence lasting positive change is through thriving networks.
Increasing Social Capital.
We help networks form, grow and thrive. We inter-connect network leader teams regionally and nationally to increase sustainability and performance.
What are networks?
Networks are a rising tide that lifts all boats. They are a relational-web of people bonded together through rational self-interest with a common focus. They help each other win, become friends, and advance the effectiveness of their mission. Here are some foundational reads in the science and craft of networks.
There are many kinds of networks. We like to use the Harvard Human Flourishing Index to categorize the networks we prioritize.
To simplify, we like to say that networks can be formed "wherever you live, work, worship and play, and for whom your heart breaks." Below is a non-exclusive list.
This is our running catalog and here are 1-minute posts that put some networks into full-screen.​
Which network do you want to be a part of, are engaged with, or want to help form? Tell Us.
The Network Craft:
To Catalyze, Create & Densify Networks - Regionally & Nationally.
"The Main Actor on the stage of lasting cultural change is the Dense Network"
- Dr. David John Seel, Author of Network Power
Cities and Regions are meta-networks that must be broken down into smaller geographical networks. These networks intertwine people locally, to know, see, and work together. These networks take on many names and focuses. Let's help you find the kind of Geographical Network you are interested in stewarding or being a part of.
Work is where we spend a majority of our time. It should be time well spent. From pursuing healthy culture to transforming an industry, we'll expose like-hearted work-based networks and associations. These networks help us be fulfilled, connected and on-mission together.
Harvard Flourishing Index recognizes that spiritual communities are one measurable factor that highly influences individual and collective flourishing. What exists and what does that mean to you and our communities?
Play Connects us Deeply to ourselves, and each other. It's restorative, refreshing, suspends time, and helps us remember how we were, are at our core, and could-be in the world. Living a little lighter. Play networks build community connection that changes everything.
For whom does your heart break? Stories of suffering cause us to rage, weep, and mourn. You want to help. That's where Life and Joy is found. Cause-networks interconnect like-hearted warriors and empowers collective impact . Let us help you find or create that network.
"The true warrior fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
Where do you fit?
Complete this form to find or share where you fit within the network space.