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Image by Linus Sandvide
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Something is at stake.

What Light needs to be brought into what darkness?

We Live in the Greatest Love Story in the Midst of the Fiercest War.

Story captures us, holds us, leads and guides us on an adventure and into ourselves.

Our brain and body needs a story to see reality most clearly. When we see, we follow.  We make the next best decisions for ourselves and others - to get closer to slaying the dragon or falling in love.

StoryConnect has many Story Hopes, Efforts, Initiatives, and Offerings we want to see manifest in the world for the greater transformation of individuals and communities. 


We work to understand, practice, catalyze, and leverage the power of Story with you.


You are in the middle of your story.  What redemptive end are you going to write? 

Fill this out if you want to leverage story too.

Image by Linus Sandvide


In Person Story-Telling

The Moth popularized and curates the craft of story-telling. The Hearth uses and teaches story-telling as a craft for community  development.  All over, local Story Slams bring this craft close and some conferences strategically harness the power.  StoryConnect wants to combine and accelerate the frequency, quantity, and quality of story gathering near you.


Digital Story Capturing & Amplifying

Transformation, stories, are happening all the time, everywhere. Yes, we are saturated with user-generated content. And we need more nutrient-rich stories. We need more folks to mine, craft, capture, and distribute high-quality transformative stories that are proximate and inviting. Through StoryConnect podcasts, videos, and networks, we plan to catalyze more story-tellers to surface and grow in creating and distributing digital content.

Image by Terrillo Walls
Image by Aarón Blanco Tejedor


Movemental Story-Telling

The best organizations, governments, movements, and networks lace their work into a story where everyone is an actor. Story creates internal clarity, unity, and shared expectations. Story externally invites participation and energy.  The story draws us in, keeps us together, and grows the influence. What Story and Stories are you telling?


Story Listening & Sharing

In Hawaii, it's customary to ask someone "want to talk-story?". "Want to swap stories?" For a story to be told it must be heard, attentively.  StoryConnect tries to increase our capacity to ask good questions, pause, reflect, and allow our stories to come out and be shared with one other or in groups.  We do this through networks, groups, gatherings, Tech Wise Tribe, and more.

Image by Evan Wise
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