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Image by Suzanne D. Williams


Below is a cohort-based process we call UNLEASH to find the latent love (time, talent, and treasure) waiting to be unleased into the world.  

U: Understand & Until
N: Narrate & ________
L: Listen & __________
E: Expose & __________
A: Ask & ___________
S: Story-Tell & _________
H: Honor & __________
The UNLEASH process begins when at least 3 fellowships in the same region sign-up.  Each fellowship must have at least 2 leaders go through the process together. Click here for more details

Over 1,200 undeployed hours within 5 congregations have currently been uncovered and are in the process of training and deployment. 


UNLEASH onboarding is a 6-month process, meeting 4 times, 90 minutes each session.  That's 3-hours total live time. We combine prep work, interactive teaching, peer-ideation, reflective discernment, action steps, and follow-up. 


After your first UNLEASH, you are invited to join a community of all the others. We will hold a monthly zoom and divide into breakout rooms based on step of the process, survey type, size of congregation, etc.


UP: How much Love from God is not filling you up? What about your congregation?  What are the barriers? How close and intimate does your congregation feel to God? Do they trust and feel safe with God? Are they on a healing journey, knowing they are BeLoved?  How do we organize the organism of our fellowship so all people get closer to God?

IN: How much Love from each other is not circulating?  How real, trusting and close are the relationships with congregation members to each other?  How can your congregation best fill each other up by meeting each others needs in all dimensions of life? 

OUT: How much Love of time, talent, and treasure is undeployed, wasted, and stored up, not flowing into the community?  How much more transformative healing is awaiting your congregation and community?  How can we actually be a relational presence of hope in a dim world?


As we prove the model, we ask individuals and congregations to discern a partnering relationship post-survey.  Through partnership, we missionally co-labor to alleviate suffering. The invitation is a monthly donation of any amount - and only for a season.  After that season, if we could have a deeper conversation about the alignment of our shared mission and strategy, that would help us either deepen the partnership or respectfully detach with a spirit of mutual encouragement and support.

You are Seen and Loved.


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