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Alleviating Suffering Together

We don't have a resource problem - we have a connection problem.

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1. Unnecessary suffering is pervasive.


2.  Healing tools exist for every person and population.


3. More Than Enough Latent Love (time, talent, & treasure) exists to alleviate most suffering.


We help UNLEASH Latent Love.

Image by nikko macaspac

Connecting to

We live in the Greatest Love Story in the midst of the Fiercest War.  


You were born looking for someone who was looking for you. That has never stopped. You are Fully Known and Fully Loved.  Do you believe it?

Connection Paths

Below are three wide and interconnected paths. Take a meandering stroll through the toolshed that is StoryConnect, the toolboxes that are the paths, and find the tools you need today.

Individuals Forming

Image by averie woodard

BeLoved Identity.

There is more Life, Love, and Freedom for your story.  Live with Nothing to Hide, Prove, or Fear.

Teams Performing

Image by Matteo Vistocco

BeLoved Relationships.

Healthy Teams Heal. Loving Leaders fuse teammates to win.  Often, we see each others as rivals; we're not.

Regions Transforming

Image by Sandy Millar

BeLoved Community.

We reclaim lost ground together. Love will heal and circulate Until our hardened soil becomes fertile again.

Impact Voices

"StoryConnect has helped our organization better design our gatherings to increase connectivity between stories. The soil of our Leadership Teams is becoming more fertile for growth."

CK of L2L

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Thank You :) Will Connect Soon

When Mother Teresa was asked "Are you even being successful?" she replied "Senator, I'm not called to be successful, I'm called to be faithful."


Each of us must discern how to steward our humble lives to be faithful to "doing the small things with Great Love".  Taking the next tiny step is an act of Love  for you and others.  We can take that next step together. Let's Connect.

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