Montgomery County: 200K Men, 132K Followers
Miami County: 36K Men, 23K Followers

Men are often uninitiated into honorable masculinity. We live with something to hide, prove, and fear - hurting out of our wounding.
Even Elder-Sages (age + wisdom) must return to moments of wounding for greater healing, training, and liberation.
A regional network of healthy masculine communities. A growing number of oriented and settled men.
A roundtable of Elder-Sages who counsel kings, who trains warriors, who teach lovers, who mentors rangers, and who cares for the boys.
Asset-map men and leaders who are on the masculine journey.
If you want to help men in Greater Dayton, Please Fill Out This Form.
Gather the Elder-Sages from around the region to develop relationships and orient to their role.
Elder-Sages gather the Kings to expose and orient the Kingdom nature of collaboration and generosity, leaving logos and egos behind.
Expose Kingdom transformation through rhythmic large and small group gatherings.
Stages of the Masculine Journey
Boyhood: Am I loved and delighted in?
Ranger: Am I seen and guided through risk?
Warrior: Do I have what it takes?
Lover: Can I love honorably?
King: Can I be entrusted with power and reigning?
Elder-Sage: Have I lived well; do I have something to give?

Again, if you want to help men in Greater Dayton, Please Fill Out This Form.