20 Seconds - "Play" - Pan Trying to Remember How to Play

We were designed to Play.
Play-states is what breathes life, love, connection, creativity, levity, and goodness deep into our bones and relationships. Many of us have lost ourselves, gasping for it.
Deep healing also requires play.
Reclaim Play through knowing our play personalities and practicing play again in most settings - work, home, friendships, neighborhoods, cities, etc.
Integrate the healing and growth path with deep-healing guidance, communal and individual play, and kind-lovingness to all, including self. This is the path of maturity, the path of childlikeness.
Strategy (regional):
Asset map naturally playful people and organizations in Greater Dayton.
Guide people into remembering their play histories, teach the personalities and give permission to play, infusing playfulness in more organizations, networks, homes, etc.
What Happens to Many of Us When We Lose Play: "You're Missing It"
Pan Remembering How to Play
PLAYlist about Play :)
Mansour Bahrami, the most PLAYful and PLAY-filled player

Play is Healing

Dr. Stuart Brown, Founder of National Play Institute and author of "play"

Learn more about the 8 Play Personalities by Clicking Here
Greg Boyle, founder of HomeBoy Industries, one of the most playful people you'll ever meet

Bob Goff, the playful uncle, encourager, and lover that we all we want in our lives
