Problem: 81,000 + people (15.2%) are living in poverty in Greater Dayton. Thousands more are struggling to make ends meet.
Solution: Multi-faceted collective impact approach to asset-based community development.
1-minute Oath for Compassionate Helpers: And Above All, I will do no harm.
Asset-map all people and organizations working to alleviate poverty.
If you are involved/interested in poverty alleviation in Greater Dayton, Please Fill Out This Form.
Small and large group gatherings based on interest and location
Create collective goals and shared metrics
Assess and Mobilize others to engage in poverty alleviation work using tools like Unleash
Greater Dayton's Local Guide & Equipper, Think Tank:
National Guides:

Enterprise Solutions to Poverty is the most comprehensive field-guide of it's kind.

For Christ-followers: A deeper look at the root causes of Poverty

Chalmers Center: Mobilize My Church, Work-Life, Faith & Finances (Video) , Are You a Good Neighbor?, Testimony of Transformation, Helping without Hurting: The Basics
Again, if you are involved/interested in poverty alleviation in Greater Dayton -