Problem: 1 in 3 women experience violence from a man. See more Ohio stats here.
understanding a little more in 90 seconds
More people becoming equipped in awareness, prevention, and healing of survivors and perpetrators of domestic abuse; women, children, and men.
Asset-map all resources (shelters, counselors, advocates, survivor-leaders, equipped congregations, support groups, abuser interventionists, advocacy organizations, etc.)
If you are interested/involved in Domestic Abuse work in Greater Dayton, Please Fill Out This Form.
Gather all resource leads and discuss how to help the community Care Well for the Abused.
Establish community-wide goals for prevention, survivor services, donation streamlining, abuser services, and congregation-based goals.
Hold a non-logoed Candlelight Vigil every year for the number of homicide victims and survivors in Greater Dayton.
There were 112 deaths from domestic violence in Ohio in 2022.
For Congregations (in Greater Dayton):
Increase number of equipped leaders via Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused and Protect the Flock Training
Increase the number of equipped and certified advocates within a region to handle cases within churches for best care and triaging
Increase the number of Certified and Affiliated Support Group Leaders and active support groups in a region. Unleash time, talent, and treasure for the Church to best host these groups; i.e, coordination, food, and trauma-informed childcare
Support groups become on-the-ground resources for front-line agencies to refer women to for healing and community
to go deeper
Again, if you are interested/involved in Domestic Abuse work in Greater Dayton,