Can you imagine being a single parent?

Thousands of single parents in every region are struggling with a myriad of stressors, creating cycles of vulnerability for the family unit, especially the children.
Montgomery County - 20,000 single parents with 37,000 children in those homes
Miami County - 3,700 single parents with 7,000 children in those homes
Increase the number of support structures for single parents through a multi-tiered approach, where each stable family is contributing to the stability of single parent households.
Until there is More Than Enough:
Support groups coordinated and mapped throughout a region for each population subset (single moms, single dads, domestic abuse, divorce care, recovery, etc.)
Youth mentors, tutors, and other support structures for every child needing healthy relationships
Employment: coaches, opportunity for advancement, and social business network to employ them.
Marriage-rich resourcing throughout a region to prevent unnecessary divorce
When necessary, team wraparound support, like a Care Community
Congregations equipped with resources, triaging, and relational skills to best steward the journey of single-parenting
Map all existing resources
Interconnect front-line resource leaders
Create a region-wide gap-analysis
Share existing resources and gaps with community leaders, government, congregational, school, non-profit, etc.
Create goals around each need of the population
Capture wide-scale interest data using a process similar to Unleash to plug people into roles to increase quantity, quality, and sustainability of resources
Continue to refer single parents to resources for greater health of individuals, families and communities
If interested in caring for single parents, please email me at or leave a comment below.